Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bread and Cheese

Sometimes you are waiting for happiness to come to you. What you do not know is that it is waiting for you right around the corner. You can find it when you are hungry and complaining to your friends of your tiring day. You sit with them on the floor with nothing to eat but bread and cheese, and then it suddenly happens; you feel lighter than before, and you find yourself laughing as they make you eat cheese with halva (I do not recommend it at all.). Time passes by quickly, and you stare at their eyes shining with hope and joy. You look at your reflection in those sparkling orbs and for a few minutes, just a few minutes, reasons, beginnings and endings do not matter anymore. You eat bread and cheese, laugh with friends, and you tell your self this is how simple life is, and this is how life is meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that was great,man! I don't know why you keep sayin that youre writin crap these days! Guess the word 'self confidence' comes from you not me.
    good luck, buddy.
