Thursday, April 30, 2009

Living in Fog

Imagine a twelve-year-old boy who has lost his parents. Imagine a twelve-year-old boy who has lost his parents and is supposed to take care of his three siblings who are all younger than him. Imagine this family in a remote village in Kurdistan where there is no clean water to drink and not much to eat.

Living in fog is a documentary about that boy. There are some things that will stay with you forever, and this was one of them for me. The hardship he had to endure to make money so his sister could study, the place they called their house, and the way they were living…it was somehow impossible to believe.

What I felt though, was not pity. It was admiration and respect, and I felt ashamed; ashamed because of who I am and how ignorantly I am living; ashamed because we have everything we need, and yet we do not feel responsible. Of course we are responsible! We are in charge to make world a better place, and look how busy we are making money and spending it on luxurious cars and expensive carpets!

What I saw in that young boy's eyes was freedom, and what is reflected in our eyes is confinement. We are imprisoned in our worldly needs, and we go on living, unaware and oblivious. We drown a little bit more everyday, and one day when we finally open our eyes, it will have been too late.

I pray to God to give me the power to close my eyes to the ornaments of the world and open them to the truth. I pray to God to help me be a better person, and I know that with your help my dreams will come true.


Inspired by Ramin Nourbakhsh's article "A Bubbling Spring"


  1. I really liked it. Short but meaningful.

  2. Hi,
    Just an offer my friend; please watch "The Devil's Advacote" again.
    All bests,

  3. really.REally,RRREEEAAAALLLLYYY beautiful,u've written...and u r right.we people are never satisfied with what we got...and we rarely think of others who r in worse positions...and u r a good !!!EMOTION-AROUSER!!!...and thanks(not a bunch).

  4. Brilliant.
    All the best.

  5. I think about what you've tried to put in words, everyday.

    and you know what my biggest wish is!
